Renter's FAQs

We've been working with property owners and renters across the Mornington Peninsula for over 35 years combined. We have compiled some resources to help you make an informed decision when researching and applying for a rental property. If you are interested in finding out what properties we have becoming available, please register your details to join the priority rental waitlist.

FAQs and Resources

How to make your application stand out?
When you are filling out your application please add into the BIO section a brief recap of your current situation, this should cover in bullet points your current and past rental history, a overview of who will be residing at the property and any important information you would like the owner to know.
How do I view a property and when do I apply?
Once the property has been placed online an open time will show, if there is no open time available please register your email or send an email directly to the property manager advising of your interest. It is best to send in an application straight away through and you will be contacted once the video tour or physical inspection can be arranged.

How can we help arrange your utility connection for free?
Please send an email to and we will arrange this through My Connect on your behalf.
How do I submit a notice to vacate?
Please email your Property Manager directly with the date you are planning on vacating and ensuring you give a minimum of 28 days notice.
How do I advise my agent I have maintenance requiring attention at the property? 
Please ensure you email your Property Manager as soon as you are made aware of an issue, if it is urgent please text or call your Property Manager for urgent attention. A list of urgent repairs are available on the Consumer Affairs website.

Video Resources

Before a Tenancy

This video summarises the key legislative changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 - before a tenancy.

During a Tenancy

This video summarises the key legislative changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 - during a tenancy.

Ending a Tenancy

This video summarises the key legislative changes to the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 - Ending a tenancy and general information.

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